Category: Recent Work

  • Something to Chew Over: CFRE has 3 presentations at the AIFS Snack Sized Research Showcase

    Something to Chew Over: CFRE has 3 presentations at the AIFS Snack Sized Research Showcase

    Something to Chew Over: CFRE has 3 presentations at the AIFS Snack Sized Research Showcase. This year, the much anticipated Australian Insititute of Family Studies (AIFS) 2020 conference was cancelled due to COVID-19. To replace it, presentations that were planned for the conference are now being displayed as slide shows…

  • COVID-19 impact on Drummond Street’s service delivery

    COVID-19 impact on Drummond Street’s service delivery

    COVID-19 impact on Drummond Street’s service delivery The Centre for Family Research and Evaluation at Drummond Street Services has developed a COVID-19 evaluation strategy to help better understand and respond to the changing needs of the clients and the communities that we support during this time. The key aims of our…

  • Prevention in the pandemic

    Prevention in the pandemic

    Prevention in the pandemic: The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is having a significant impact on people’s lives and wellbeing around the world.  The pandemic has exacerbated health, social and economic inequalities and globally, rates of family violence have surged. For people who are LGBTIQ+ in Victoria, especially those who experience multiple…

  • The EVA project: Evaluating Violence and Abuse, Building the Evidence 

    The EVA project: Evaluating Violence and Abuse, Building the Evidence 

    The EVA project: Evaluating Violence and Abuse, Building the Evidence  Between early 2018 and mid 2019, CFRE delivered the ‘EVA project: Evaluating Violence and Abuse, Building the Evidence’, funded by the Department of Social Services (DSS). The EVA project aimed to build the capacity of the family violence and related sectors to use and build evidence…

  • A Walk Through Health Evaluation

    A Walk Through Health Evaluation

    A Walk Through Health: In November 2020 CFRE commenced a partnership with Wyndham Community & Education Centre (Wyndham CEC) to evaluate their health literacy program, A Walk Through Health. Delivered in partnership with Mercy Health, the program aims to address unmet health and well-being needs of culturally diverse community members…

  • There’s no safe place at home report

    There’s no safe place at home report

    There’s no safe place at home report: [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”DOWNLOAD” ]        [maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”FIND SUPPORT” ] Everyone deserves to feel safe at home, no matter who they are or whom they love. Unfortunately for many LGBTIQ+ people, their homes are not safe places. Equality Australia…

  • Action Research: Use of Family Violence by LGBTIQ+ People

    Action Research: Use of Family Violence by LGBTIQ+ People

    Action Research: Use of Family Violence by LGBTIQ+ People  National and international research has found that family violence in LGBTIQ+ relationships occurs at rates similar to, if not higher than heterosexual relationships. LGBTIQ+ populations face unique and intersecting vulnerabilities, including that: the impacts of abuse are compounded by discrimination and…

  • Behind closed doors: Adolescent Violence in the Home (AVITH) during COVID and challenges to come

    Behind closed doors: Adolescent Violence in the Home (AVITH) during COVID and challenges to come

    Behind closed doors: Adolescent Violence in the Home (AVITH) during COVID and challenges to come – As part of drummond street’s ongoing whole-of-family service response to AVITH- through its Young People and Family Violence program, and CFRE’s commitment to evidence building, we have recently partnered with RMIT’s Centre for Innovative…

  • COVID-19 Response – Message from our CEO Karen Field

    COVID-19 Response – Message from our CEO Karen Field

    We are here and not going anywhere – but how we stay in touch, deliver services may change as the community grapples with responding to COVID-19. This is our message to all our drummond street friends – people who use our services, communities and groups, our amazing workforce, service partners,…

  • The Relationship Between Parent and Child Mental Health:  Taking a Family Systems Perspective in Support Services

    The Relationship Between Parent and Child Mental Health: Taking a Family Systems Perspective in Support Services

          The Relationship Between Parent and Child Mental Health: Taking a Family Systems Perspective in Support Services As an organisation, drummond street (ds) recognises the importance of situating individual issues within contextual backgrounds. A major part of which is the role of family relationships in providing a strong…