Author: cfre

  • Behind closed doors: Adolescent Violence in the Home (AVITH) during COVID and challenges to come

    Behind closed doors: Adolescent Violence in the Home (AVITH) during COVID and challenges to come

    Behind closed doors: Adolescent Violence in the Home (AVITH) during COVID and challenges to come – As part of drummond street’s ongoing whole-of-family service response to AVITH- through its Young People and Family Violence program, and CFRE’s commitment to evidence building, we have recently partnered with RMIT’s Centre for Innovative…

  • Join our team!

    Join our team!

    We are looking to employ a Research Assistant to contribute to our projects and the general operations of CFRE to strengthen our centre further. At CFRE we see this position as a key opportunity to continue to grow our team, so we are looking for someone who is a good…

  • Co-designing family violence prevention initiatives with marginalised communities

    Co-designing family violence prevention initiatives with marginalised communities

        Co-designing family violence prevention initiatives with marginalised communities There is currently a limited evidence base for understanding the drivers of family violence in LGBTI communities. It is understood that LGBTI people experience family and intimate partner violence at the same, if not greater rates than their cisgender, heterosexual…

  • Paving the Way in Service Delivery Evaluation

    Paving the Way in Service Delivery Evaluation

    CFRE is excited to announce we will be presenting at this year’s FRSA Conference, held 19-22 November 2019! This year’s theme is New Horizons: Building the future, Paving the way. Madeline Gibson will be presenting findings from our most recent drummond street services evaluation. We use monitoring and evaluation to…

  • What is ‘recovery’? Learnings from Victoria’s family violence service sector

    What is ‘recovery’? Learnings from Victoria’s family violence service sector

    The “Family Violence Recovery – Research and Practice Forum” was designed to facilitate the sharing of knowledge across therapeutic family violence services funded by the Victorian Government, in response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence.   The Forum was collaboratively planned by around 40 people from 21 organisations. The…

  • Move It 4 Kids

    Move It 4 Kids

    CFRE will begin working to evaluate outcomes of the Move It 4 Kids program, being delivered by drummond street, Playgroup Victoria and Hullaballoo Music. Move It 4 Kids offers parents /carers and their children 0-5 a fun, interactive musical comedy experience, which is delivered to community playgroups. The session involves…

  • We’re coming to Hobart!

    We’re coming to Hobart!

    CFRE is very happy to announce that we will be travelling to Hobart to present at the 2019 Early Childhood Australia National Conference from 25-28 September 2019.   This year’s conference theme is ‘From Vision to Action’ and will lead some exciting discussions on children’s experiences of early years of…

  • Team additions

    Team additions

    We are excited to welcome three new masters’ students beginning internships with CFRE this year! These students are joining us from various Melbourne-based universities, and will be focusing on our new research project gaining insight into embedding monitoring, evaluation and learning practices within community service organisations. Some of their research-related…

  • Learning from Victoria’s Family Violence Demonstration Projects

    Learning from Victoria’s Family Violence Demonstration Projects

    CFRE recently attended a forum staged by Victorian service agencies currently delivering family violence demonstration projects. The purpose of this forum was to build collective knowledge from providers of these projects in relation to understanding and supporting recovery. Hundreds of staff and program managers gathered for a day of discussion,…

  • Introducing the EMELP study

    Introducing the EMELP study

    How do we Embed Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Practices (EMELP) in Family Violence Service Organisations in Australia?   The National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Their Children 2010-2022 is premised on four foundational elements that aim to underpin the necessary change required for organisations to communally address this…