Training & Practice Development

Breaking out of the Binary

This training is designed to equip participants with essential knowledge and skills to recognise, understand, and effectively address family violence within LGBTIQA+ and marginalised communities. It aims to raise awareness of the unique challenges and dynamics that these communities face in relation to domestic and family violence.

Through this training, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding family violence in LGBTIQA+ & marginalised contexts, the unique drivers of family violence for LGBTIQA+ & marginalised people and develop practical strategies for support and intervention.

By the end of this training, participants will be empowered with actionable tools to work safely and inclusively with LGBTIQA+ cohorts in a family violence setting and contribute to creating safer and more inclusive practice environments. This training emphasises the importance of intersectional awareness and the role staff can play in meeting the needs of diverse people who have experienced family violence.

This training is suitable for staff across all levels of employment, from client facing roles to management and corporate services.

Learning Objectives

Who is this training for?

  • Understand the various definitions and types of family violence.
  • Identify the unique challenges, drivers and barriers that LGBTIQA+ individuals & marginalised communities face in relation to domestic and family violence service provision, with an emphasis on the role of intersectionality, shame, stigma, and discrimination.
  • Be able to recognise the physical, emotional, and psychological indicators of family violence within diverse family structures.
  • Learn best practices for engaging with victim survivors of family violence, focusing on developing trust, building rapport, and employing culturally competent intervention approaches.
  • Gain knowledge about local and national resources available to support LGBTIQA+ individuals experiencing family violence.
  • Understand how to create safe environments that promote inclusion and implement practices that safeguard against discrimination.
  • Explore and learn about protective factors and the importance of recognising resilience in marginalised communities.

Senior leaders, team leaders, supervisors and staff working with people who use or experience violence. While the training gives specific LGBTIQA+ examples, it applies an intersectional lens that has application across other marginalised groups to improve inclusive and affirming service responses.

Sign up for this training


If you are interested in this training for your workplace or cannot make the available dates, please get in touch.