We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land and we pay respect to their Elders both past and present.

Acknowledgement- Aboriginal FlagAcknowledgement- Torres Strait Islander Flag

Capacity Building, Training and Consulting

What we offer

Our training, capacity building, and consulting services at Drummond Street and CFRE are informed by research and evidence grounded in best practice as well as privileging lived experience knowledge. We utilise co-production approach to our work to ensure that our services and outcomes meet the needs of target audiences. Our team of experienced trainers and consultants bring a range of skills and knowledge across disciplines including evaluation, family therapy, public health, social work, implementation and change management and lived experience from diverse intersectional backgrounds including LGBTIQ+.

Training in your workplace

Our training can be customised to meet the learning goals and organisational requirements of your team.

Consulting Services

Our specialist team of consultants can work with your staff to build capacity in a range of areas, by providing advice, facilitating workshops, and engaging your team in organisational readiness, practice change and implementation activities.

Our approach

  • Focus on organisational readiness and implementation support
  • Centring of lived experience perspectives
  • Whole of Service response
  • Intersectional person-centred approach
  • Supporting practitioners and organisations to hold a space for the whole person
  • Whole-of-family approaches

We offer capacity building, training, and consulting across:

Our approach to capacity building

  • A focus on organisational readiness and implementation support: informed by implementation science and organisational readiness literature, and our own evaluative management frameworks, our training approach is informed by our research knowledge, which enables us to work with organisations before and after training to maximise the impact of the initiative by who will work closely with each project partner to review, develop and embed learning objectives within their organisational context.
  • Centring of lived experience perspectives: Drummond Street’s team of highly experienced trainers and consultants, including members of intersectional LGBTIQ+ communities and their allies, offer their personal and professional experience in service provision and training.  Our training is developed by, and includes the voices of people with lived experience.  This ensures capacity building is informed by those who it is intended to benefit – service users and community members.  We welcome lived experience knowledge alongside practice and other forms of knowledge that our training participants bring into the learning space.
  • Whole of Service response: We are able to support partner workforces at all levels, through involvement in training and implementation activities to create not only inclusive processes but also an inclusive service environment.  Working with a whole of service framework creates more sustainable and meaningful change that will benefit clients and staff members alike.
  • Intersectional person-centred approach: Recognition that people may experience multiple intersecting forms of discrimination, oppression and disadvantage, and that all parts of a person’s identity should be acknowledged, seen, heard and understood to ensure a positive, safe and effective support service. This involves supporting practitioners to hold a space for the whole person, increasing understandings of the array of presenting issues, which may be further compounded by a person’s identity and the discrimination they may experience; along with other barriers accessing services.
  • Whole-of-family approaches: Our approach to practice recognises a diverse and inclusive definition of families, and uses the term broadly, as determined by the person themselves. This may include loved ones that are biologically related, ‘family of choice’, parents or other caregivers, partners, children, grandparents and/or other significant relationships in the person’s life. Social networks and friends are also critically important, and are often defined as ‘family’, so it is important that close social relationships are included in considerations when adopting a ‘whole-of-family’ and ‘family as a system’ approaches.  We recognise the critical role that supportive social connections play in a person’s wellbeing, and the role that services can play in bolstering the social supports in a person’s life, through whole-of-family work. Our capacity building can support practitioner’s to develop skills, knowledge and confidence to safety engage in family work with their clients.

Diverse areas of practice

We work with teams and organisations across a range of service sectors to build practice skills and knowledge, including:

  • alcohol and other drug,
  • education,
  • health,
  • mental health,
  • child and family,
  • youth,
  • early childhood,
  • education; and
  • government services.

We can tailor training to target your team or service’s learning objectives, and some examples of our training topics are listed below:

  • LGBTIQ+ safe and inclusive practice
  • Whole of family approaches to practice
  • Supporting LGBTIQ+ children and young people
  • Working with families of LGBTIQ+ people
  • Breaking out of the Binary:  an intersectional approach to LGBTIQ+ family violence
  • Understanding suicidality in LGBTIQ+ communities
  • Supervision of workers with lived experience
  • Creating safe and welcoming services for LGBTIQ+ people (for frontline staff)
  • Risk and protective factors for LGBTIQ+ people across the lifespan

Research and Evaluation

We offer workshops and training as well as collaborative advice on research, evaluation and on projects across our key knowledge areas. We are passionate about strengthening evaluation capacity across the family and community services sector.

As part of our social justice framework, our services and advocacy aim to respond where we can at a service, community and policy level, in the pursuit of real and lasting social change against social inequality and marginalisation.

Intersectionality – safety and inclusion:

We work with a broad range of services and organisations, including

  • corporate,
  • alcohol and other drug,
  • education,
  • health,
  • mental health,
  • child and family,
  • youth,
  • early childhood,
  • education; and
  • government,

to enable safe and inclusive services, workplaces, and cultures for people from all backgrounds. Using an intersectional framework which examines the overlapping forms of discrimination (i.e. racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, agism, ableism, etc.) a person can face based on their identity. This framework also presents a way of understanding and unpacking the complex relationships and interactions people have with systems, services, and organisations.

Using a co-production approach we work with services and organisations to understand the gaps, needs, and areas of strength, listening to and centering lived experience voices in the process. From then, we advise on the capacity building, training, and/or consulting activities and tailor delivery to ensure we meet these needs, leveraging off existing strengths, to support implementation of effective safety and inclusion initiatives within your services and/or organisations.

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